Legit Legislating

Did you know that Episcopoal 20th century mystic and poet Thomas Merton hailed from Kentucky?

Day 2 and Day 3 have been full-on legislative days, the “meat” of General Convention. Some several hundred resolutions are before the bi-cameral legislature.

As I write this, on Monday afternoon, June 24th, I have just watched the debate in the House of Bishops over Resolution A072, a second-reading of an amendment to Article X of the Episcopal Church Constitution. This significant passage (which takes two GC’s to approve, hence this is the “second read” of the resolution after 2022’s GC) would allow more liturgical rites created since the 1979 Book of Common Prayer to be put forward for trial use. One direct result of this would be it further cements the website episcopalcommonprayer.org as a hub for all approved BCP liturgies and extra-BCP liturgies, effectively considering all approved resources as part of the Book of Common Prayer as we know it, while not actually printing a new prayer book, which we have not done since 1979. Here is a fine article about this and other matters.

A deputy speaks against Resolution C008 on the floor of the House of Deputies in what has proven to be a very controversial legislative sesion.

Meanwhile in the House of Deputies, debate on the floor over C008 which sets out a plan for the Episcopal Church to reduce diocesan assessments from 15% to 10% by 2030 (at “press time” the resolution was amended to say 2033). This essentially means that dioceses will be required to tithe about 30% less of their financial resources to the wider church. It’s clear the debate over the date means the implementation of this needed change will take longer than originally anticipated.

Roberts’ Rules and other parlimentarian talk are abound here in Louisville! Of course, there are some fellowship opportunities in addition to all this legislature. Tonight the diocese of Kentucky hosts “Kentucky Night” for all deputations, and tomorrow are the Seminary alumni dinners and other events. Last night was the 150th Anniversary of the ECW, the Episcopal Church Women, celebrated at a gala event in their honor. More on the events of GC in a later post!


Three Waves of Emotion


Launch from Louisville