Part of a Greater Tradition

St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Evanston has proudly served as a standard bearer of the worship and tradition of the Episcopal Church since the 1860’s. Our worship services are emblematic of our denomination and our theology. 

St. Mark’s Sunday Services

We are on the high side of broad church, meaning we balance our Catholic and Protestant heritages quite evenly, holding both Word and Sacrament in tension together at each Eucharist, but dialing up some of the Anglo-Catholic or “high” church symbolism during special occasions in the church calendar year. 

8 AM Service

On a typical Sunday, St. Mark’s worships in two ways: an 8:00 am service of Holy Eucharist, Rite II (from the Greek for “thanksgiving,” or a service with communion, or a Mass), which is spoken from our prayer book together. The 8am service happens in our Lady Mary Chapel, an intimate and sacred space that seats about 20 comfortably with an east-facing altar.

10 AM Service

Our 10:00 am service of Holy Eucharist, Rite II, in the main sanctuary is distinctive for the leadership of the St. Mark’s Parish Choir, who lead the congregation in hymn singing and in the performance of special anthems. We incorporate some of the familiar classic traditions of candles, chanting, processions, reverencing the altar and crossing ourselves at appropriate times, acolytes or servers, and on high holy days like Christmas and Easter, incense.

Holy Days, Summer, & Other Special Services

Occasionally through the church year there are special services according to the liturgical calendar (e.g., Ash Wednesday, Holy Week) or special worship events like Choral Evensong or prayer vigils.

Holy Days

From June through August, St. Mark’s often holds service at Lee St. Beach (at Hamilton St & Lake Shore Blvd).

Summer Beachside Service

Every Wednesday at 8 AM is a lay-led Zoom service of Morning Prayer, open to all who wish to join.

Wednesday Morning Prayer

Special services are announced in the weekly e-Lion newsletter and during Sunday worship services.

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About The Episcopal Faith

The Episcopal Church is the branch of the Jesus movement centralized in the United States and belonging to the wider Anglican Communion since the founding of our country. We are known primarily by our attention to our liturgy (from the Greek word “leitergos” meaning “work of the people”), or the meaning and significance of our worship. Episcopalians carefully balance the pageantry and traditions of our original catholic heritage with a decidedly inclusive, progressive theology and belief system.

We are welcoming and affirming of all God’s people regardless of race, ethnicity, nationality, sexual identity, or gender identity, and our worship is marked by the sharing of this diversity. We worship from our 1979 Book of Common Prayer and yet are crafting new liturgies and rites frequently. We vest our clergy and altar spaces in opulent fabrics and colors, but never take ourselves too seriously.

Our music is carefully chosen from resources that include 17th century hymnody and modern Gospel music. The preaching strives to be intelligent and thought-provoking, balancing teaching of scripture with relatable topics and illustrations from today’s world. And as our Presiding Bishop, Michael Curry, has preached and taught, we are always focused on demonstrating the Way of Love, spreading the good news of Jesus Christ as the symbol and embodiment of love in the world.

Our Bishops

Presiding Bishop

Sean Rowe

Chicago Bishop

Paula Clark